Congratulations to BCMB faculty membersZhaozhu Qiu, PhD andShigeki Watanabe, PhD on receiving the2019 Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Award in Neuroscience.
Dr. Sanders is a postdoc research associate with the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.Dr. Sara Sanders was adwarded a $50K fellowship from the W.M. Keck Postdoctoral Program in Molecular Medicine.
BCMB students Sara Haile and Jawara Allen are among the first inductees into the Bouchet Society from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.Six PhD candidates were recognized for their outstanding scholarly achievement and demonstrated commitment to promoting diversity in doctoral...
BCMBcongratulates Ryuya Fukunaga, Jian Liu, andZhaozhu Qiu on recieving theJohns Hopkins Catalyst Awards. An honor that is accompanied by a $75,000 grant, mentoring opportunities, and institutional recognition. For more information, click here.
BCMB congratulates Bram on this excellent accomplishment! For more information, please click here.