This year we had the opportunity to do our annual retreat in person. We had an amazing group of students and faculty attending.
Congratulations to BCMB Faculty Member Justus Kebschull who was recently awarded a 2022 Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering! Please click here for more information.
Young Investigators’ Day was established in 1978 to recognize young investigators who are trained at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and to provide them with a forum for their work. The awards are intended to recognize research undertaken...
We are proud of the work that our students are doing. This year’s awardees for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship are Charles Kirby, Jasmin Grey, Sarah Voss and Virangika Wimalasena. This year’s honorable mention goes to Jose Catala Torres,...
Dr. L. Mario Amzel was a professor in the School of Medicine since the 1970s. For the past fifteen years, he was the director of the Biophysics & Biophysical Chemistry department. He served as admissions director in the BCMB program from...
Congratulations to Chelsy Eddings for receiving the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s 2021 Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study:
Congratulations to Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Three Minute Thesis Winners Chad Hicks and Benjamin Zaepfel! Please click here for more information.
Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Holland for receiving the President’s Frontier Award. For more information, please click here.
Shastri, who explored how the human immune system recognizes rapidly changing foreign elements, joined Johns Hopkins as a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor in 2018. Please click here for more information.
Congratulations to Ljubica Mihaljevic for receiving the 2020 Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Award.