“The Gilliam Fellowships for Advanced Study suppoet exceptional graduate students who are committed to increasing diversity among scientific leaders, especially those students who will go on to become faculty members at colleges and universities.” BCMBcongratulates Allatah on her accomplishment!
BCMB extends our congratulations to both our faculty member Bin Wu (Assistant Professor, Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry) as well as BCMB alumnus Jose Avalos.More information here.
BCMB extends our congratulations to Linhao!
BCMB extends our congratulations to Dr. Urban! “Siniša (Sin) Urban, a professor of molecular biology and genetics at the Johns Hopkins University, received the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology’s Young Investigator Award for his work on elucidating...
BCMB offers congratulations to the three BCMB students who received awards at the 2017 Young Investigators Day!CaitlynBowmanreceived thePaul Talalay Award,MichelleLevinereceived theHans Joaquim Prochaska Research Awardand KapilRamachandranreceived theMartin and Carol Macht Award.
Congratulations Dr. Seydoux!
Congratulations Dr. Green! More information here.
Congratulations to BCMB student Jarrett Smith for being selected as a finalist in the Three Minute Thesis Competition! The 3MT is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to describe their research within three minutes to a general audience....
BCMB extends our congratulations to our 2017 Weitraub winner, Siew-Cheng Phua!
BCMB extends our congratulations to the 2017 NSF Fellowship winners- Brittany Avin, Madeline Cassani and Helen Clark. Great work!