Photo of Jian Liu

Jian Liu

Associate Professor


855 North Wolfe Street
455 Rangos Building
Baltimore, MD 21205

Department of Cell Biology & Center for Cell Dynamics

The central theme of my research is to understand how mechanical actions feedback to biochemical pathways in cellular processes, and how such mechanochemical crosstalk among key cellular players governs spatial-temporal regulation and shapes cell functions. I confront these challenges by bringing together theoretical and computational studies, rooted in statistical mechanics, with a diversity of biological experiments. My current research interest spans three cellular processes – cell migration, membrane trafficking, and cell division.

Wu ZH, Su MH, Tong CS, *Wu M, *Liu J. Membrane shape-mediated wave propagation of cortical protein dynamics. Nature Communications 2018; 9(1): 136.

Wu ZH, Plotnikov S, Moalim A, Waterman C, *Liu J. Two distinct actin networks mediate traction oscillations to confer focal adhesion mechanosensing. Biophysical Journal 2017; 112(4): 780-94.

Dorn J, Zhang L, Maddox P, *Liu J, *Maddox A. A theoretical model of cytokinesis implicates feedback between membrane curvature and cytoskeletal organization in asymmetric cytokinetic furrowing. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2016; 27(8): 1286-99.

Hu L, Vecchiarelli A, Mizuuchi K, Neuman K, *Liu J. Directed and persistent movement arises from mechanochemistry of the ParA/ParB system. PNAS 2015; 112(51): E7055-64.

Chen J, *Liu J. Spatial-temporal model for silencing of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint. Nature Communications 2014; 5(9): 4795.

Liu J, Sun YD, Drubin DG, Oster GF. Themechanochemistry of endocytosis. PLoS Biology 2009; 7(9): e1000204.

*Liu J, Desai A, Onuchic JN, *Hwa T. An integrated mechano-biochemical feedback mechanism describes chromosome motility from, prometaphase to anaphase in mitosis. PNAS 2008; 105: 13752-13757.