Jie Xiao

My laboratory focuses on developing novel single-molecule imaging tools in live cells to probe various dynamic aspects of cellular processes. We develop single-molecule gene expression reporting systems and chromosomal DNA conformation markers to probe the dynamics of gene regulation...

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James M. Berger

Research Interests: My laboratory’s research is focused on understanding how multi-subunit assemblies use ATP for overcoming topological challenges within the chromosome and controlling the flow of genetic information. We are particularly interested in developing mechanistic models that explain how...

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Theresa A. Shapiro

The central theme of our research is chemotherapy of malaria and African sleeping sickness. On a molecular basis, we are interested in understanding the mechanism of action for existing agents, and in identifying vulnerable targets for much-needed new chemotherapy....

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Joshua Modell

CRISPR-Cas loci serve as acquired immune systems which protect their bacterial and archaeal hosts from viruses and plasmids. CRISPR immunity occurs in two phases: First, short DNA segments from foreign invaders are captured and inserted into the CRISPR locus...

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Scott Bailey

Research in my laboratory focuses on the molecular basis of the processes that relate to protein nucleic acid interaction. The strategy that we use is based primarily on structural studies using X-ray crystallography, for which I have extensive training....

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