Ulrich Mueller

MECHANOTRANSDUCTION AND AUDITORY PERCEPTION Hair cells in the inner ear are mechanosensors for the perception of sound and head movements. Sound signals directly activate mechanically gated ion channels in hair cells, leading to hair cell depolarization and the release...

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Carl Wu

We are interested in the biochemical principles that govern chromatin structure and gene expression. Chromatin is the native complex of DNA and histone proteins in nucleosome arrays, associated with nonhistone proteins and RNA. Chromatin has an important role in...

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Edward Twomey

Research topics: Cryo-electron microscopy, membrane proteins, glutamate receptors, protein homeostasis We are interested in the structural and biochemical underpinnings of neurotransmission and neurodegeneration, as well as the homeostasis of the proteins contributing to these processes. Primarily, we will be...

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Photo of Bin Wu

Bin Wu

Seeing is believing:  My lab is interested in visualizing and quantifying biological events as they happen in situ in real-time.  We use single-molecule imaging and spectroscopy technology in live cells, combined with theoretical modeling to extract dynamic biological information....

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Photo of Jeff Coller

Jeff Coller

Messenger RNA (mRNA) translation by the ribosome represents the final step on a complicated molecular dance from DNA to protein. Though classically considered a decipherer that translates our 64-word genetic code into a proteome of astonishing complexity, recent work...

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Reza Kalhor

Our research seeks to better understand dynamical biological processes, such as embryonic development and brain activity, by recording cells’ experiences in their genomes. To accomplish this objective, we develop: (A) molecular technologies that write cellular experiences into their nucleic...

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Photo of Jian Liu

Jian Liu

The central theme of my research is to understand how mechanical actions feedback to biochemical pathways in cellular processes, and how such mechanochemical crosstalk among key cellular players governs spatial-temporal regulation and shapes cell functions. I confront these challenges...

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Netzahualcóyotl Arroyo Currás

The ability to monitor arbitrary molecules in situ in the body as we undergo normal daily routines could empower us to make educated decisions regarding our diet, fitness, medical treatments and overall health status. Our laboratory pursues this vision...

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Joshua Modell

CRISPR-Cas loci serve as acquired immune systems which protect their bacterial and archaeal hosts from viruses and plasmids. CRISPR immunity occurs in two phases: First, short DNA segments from foreign invaders are captured and inserted into the CRISPR locus...

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Winston Timp

My lab’s focus is on the development and application of sequencing technologies to gain a deeper understanding of biology and a more accurate set of clinical tools for human disease. Our research integrates the principles of biophysics, molecular biology,...

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